
Final post


Apologies for not having posted for well over a year now. Unfortunately, I’ve suffered several episodes of severe multiple seizures, the last of which left me, for a time, unable to walk, speak or even think. This has clearly had some long-term impact on my brain, leaving me a shadow of my former self. Hopefully, I will continue to recover, but it is going to be a long and rocky road, and there is also the chance of more seizures. Regretfully, then, I will not be posting any further, at least for the foreseeable future, but I hope you will find sufficient material on this site to make it still worth visiting.

I fear I may have inadvertently deleted a number of messages, which, in my confusion, I assumed to be spam. If anyone has attempted to contact me and not heard back, please message me again, and be assured that I have not deliberately ignored anyone.

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers.





The website of popular author Nick Fawcett, writer of numerous devotional Christian resources, as well as material for those of all faiths and none.

This aim of this site is to offer you free resources to aid reflection, assist prayer and inspire hope in your journey of faith. Though I write from a Christian perspective, much in it will, I hope, be of value and interest to people of all faiths and none, many of the pressing issues that we face today going far beyond religious or ideological divides. Religion should never divide, but should instead unite. Nor should it be narrow, judgemental or intolerant; such attitudes have no place in my creed. My goal in all my writing is, while staying true to my own Christian tradition, to speak and engage with those whose paths are different, so that, together, we might pursue the vision summed up in my 2016 book The Teacher: that people may discover more fully ‘in our troubled and fragmented world … what life could be, should be, and perhaps, just possibly, one day might be’.

If you’re looking for certainties, this is not the site for you. I am not a shining example of faith, but rather have many doubts; not one who claims to have all the answers but one instead who has countless questions. I have wrestled with faith – and often struggled with it – all my life, and still do so today. How can we begin to reconcile a God of love, I daily ask myself, with a deity that permitted the atrocities of the slave trade and the equally awful events of the Holocaust, not to mention the rampant anti-Semitism that has characterised much of human history? How can any moral being, let alone an all-good, all-powerful one, have allowed such suffering, such evil, to hold sway even for a moment? And I have found no theologian or otherwise to come up with an answer that is anywhere near adequate. Yet I believe there is within the gospel and the message of God’s love something hugely precious – something we cannot afford to lose, and that keeps me seeking, believing and writing. I hope you will find the material here (drawn from my many books) helpful; if so, please do share details with friends and other contacts.

For more information on various titles, click here for links to Amazon, or here for links to the Kevin Mayhew website.

It is not those who think they have all the answers who are wise, but those who dare to ask questions, and it is not doubt we need to fear but certainty: the bigot who will not listen and the zealot who refuses to think. Truly, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, yet which of us has more?’