When you’re struggling to pray during these dark days of the coronavirus pandemic (20)

Here’s another prayer that may help you to find words to articulate some of your thoughts and fears when you’re struggling to pray during these dark days of the coronavirus pandemic, reminding you that, however much it may feel like it, you are not alone.

It’s not just here, Lord

It’s not just here, Lord;
it’s everywhere;
this horrible virus seemingly affecting everyone
and everything.
It’s spread across the world,
one moment here,
another there,
nowhere apparently beyond its reach,
so many people in so many countries living now under its shadow,
wondering what the future holds for themselves and their loved ones.
Help me to keep that bigger picture in mind,
rather than turning inwards in narrow self-pity.
Help me to remember the needs of those far afield,
as well as those closer to home;
to think of others,
pray for others,
and do what I can to help others,
whether near or far.
So much divides us, Lord –
person from person,
nation from nation –
denying our common humanity.
If nothing else,
may this crisis teach us that we are one world, despite our differences,
and may we learn from it truly to work together,
for the good of all.