A world-changing event

Too many people see Easter as a single day – perhaps two if you count Easter Sunday and Monday. It’s time for an Easter egg or two if you’re one not really interested in the gospel; an occasion for rejoicing and celebration if you’re a committed Christian. But Easter isn’t just a day or an event; it’s a season, celebrated by the Church for seven weeks after Easter Day. Indeed, we could fairly claim that it’s celebrated every day, for the Easter message ultimately gives shape to everything we believe. And it’s one, as the following session from my book Daily Prayer 2 explores, that literally changed the course of history, shaping the lives of millions across the world and the centuries, and goes on transforming our lives today.

A world-changing event

As the day gave way to evening on that first day of the week, and with the disciples having securely fastened doors to the house for fear of the Jews, Jesus appeared and stood among them, saying, ‘Be at peace.’ Then he showed them his hands and side. On seeing the Lord, the disciples were filled with joy. John 20:19, 20

Which events across the centuries might be said to have changed history? There are many we could choose from: the signing of the Magna Carta, perhaps; Napoleon’s defeat at the Battle of Waterloo; the outbreak of the First and Second World Wars; Einstein’s publication of the theory of relativity; the discovery of penicillin; the assassination of President Kennedy; the first landing on the moon; the unravelling of DNA, and so we could continue.

Claims could be made in relation to numerous occasions across the years, with good justification. Many of them, unquestionably, have powerfully shaped people’s lives, for better or worse, but none will have had the far-reaching influence of the resurrection of Christ or the same capacity to change lives for ever. Why? Because we celebrate not simply the one who rose but the one who lives, not just his victory over death but ours too, not a one-off event but an enduring reality. That’s what Easter is about: life for you, for me, for all; life lived now in a new dimension, transformed by his touch; life that will go on being lived with him for all eternity. It’s a message that has shaped countless lives across the world and throughout the ages, and it goes on shaping ours today!

Ask yourself
Which events would you say have changed history? How does the impact of these compare with that of faith in the resurrection of Christ? What, for you, is the most powerful aspect of the Easter message?

Living God, joyfully I praise you, for you have destroyed the power of death and opened the way to life. Humbly I acclaim you, for you have vanquished evil, nothing proving able to deny your love. Gratefully I acknowledge you, for you have turned defeat into victory, ends into new beginnings. Reverently I honour you, for you have changed life for ever, making this and every day a celebration of Easter.
For the triumph you secured, and the victory you go on achieving, I magnify your holy name, through the risen and living Christ. Amen.

Just as death came through a human being, so also has the resurrection of the dead, for in the same way that everyone dies in Adam, likewise everyone will be brought to life through Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:21

Risen Lord, continue to change my life, continue to change the world, through your resurrection power and love. Amen.