We’ve heard a lot in recent months about appreciating the worth of all, especially the lower-paid members of the workforce, and of building a better, fairer society. Will it actually happen, the words proving to be anything more than idealistic talk? Somehow, I rather doubt it, but I hope I am wrong. I dare to think that maybe, just possibly, the one thing good to come out of the coronavirus crisis and its attendant ills might be a genuine desire to work for a more just world. It won’t happen by itself, of course. It probably won’t happen at all. But if it does, what a wonderful thing that would be. Yearn for it. Campaign for it. Strive for it. Above all, pray for it, as these short and simple words from my book The Animal Lover’s Daily Prayer Book invite us to do.
In a world of limited resources, Lord,
where a few have too much
and most have too little,
teach me there’s enough for all,
if we can only learn to share.