Much has rightly been made during the coronavirus outbreak of the sterling work of nurses, consultants, hospital staff and so forth. Without them, and their willingness often to go above and beyond the call of duty, the lives of many would have been lost and many others would have faced far more demanding circumstances. One equally vital member of the medical services, though, has perhaps at times been overlooked: that of the local GP. It cannot have been easy for them during the pandemic, but in my experience, at least, they have continued to offer a truly wonderful service in hugely difficult circumstances. The following prayer is adapted from my book Intercessions for a Hurting World.

Lord of all,
hear our prayer for those who serve as GPs.

We think of the increasing pressures they are under –
the challenge they face of balancing increasing patient numbers
with limited time and shrinking resources;
the demands of an ever more unrealistic workload
and the inevitable sense of frustration this leads to.
In all the challenges doctors face,
encourage and equip them.

We think of the pressures of daily practice:
of staying up to date with latest developments
in medicine and understanding;
of striving not to miss an important symptom
and make a wrong diagnosis;
of breaking bad news to patients;
of dealing with those who are awkward or aggressive.
In all the challenges doctors face,
encourage and equip them.

We think of those training as GPs –
the long years of study and preparation,
the demanding hours as a junior doctor,
the stress of exams and assessment,
and the need to ensure that lessons are well learnt.
In all the challenges doctors face,
encourage and equip them.

We think especially at this time of the challenge presented to GPs,
and indeed to all medical staff,
by the coronavirus pandemic:
the consultations now conducted online or over the phone,
the extra risks faced by doctors and patients,
the increased difficulties and problems involved in making diagnoses
and offering treatment.
In all the challenges doctors face,
encourage and equip them.

Grant help to all GPs,
and give them the resources, skill, time and wisdom
they need to do their job
and to do it well.
In all the challenges doctors face,
encourage and equip them.