Prayers in response to the continuing coronavirus crisis (5)

Here’s a fifth prayer in response to the continuing coronavirus crisis, taking as its starting point the act of putting on latex gloves while out walking to avoid infection from gates, stiles, fences or anything else I might touch.

As I put on these gloves, Lord,
seeking to avoid contamination with coronavirus,
teach me also,
in my day-to-day life,
to avoid whatever may undermine the health of my faith,
infecting my commitment,
sullying my thoughts,
tainting my deeds,
polluting my love for you and for others.
Just as I take seriously the risks posed by Covid,
may I recognise that the threat to my spiritual wellbeing is equally as real,
equally as dangerous,
equally as insidious,
taking hold within,
unseen and unnoticed at first,
until its consequences are felt
and damage is done.
Alert me, Lord, to the temptation to compromise,
to downplay my faults,
to ignore your call,
to unthinkingly follow the way of world,
and, instead, keep me fit and strong,
in body, mind and spirit.