Celtic-style approach in some of my writing. That ancient tradition has always spoken powerfully to me, and I hope that something in my attempts to borrow from its contemplative natural-world ethos may speak also to you
God of the rippling wave,
set me free from whatever prevents fullness of life.
God of the lazy breeze,
set me free from everything that crushes confidence and self-belief.
God of the tranquil meadow,
set me free from that which troubles and confuses.
God of the mighty oak,
set me free from fear and weakness of will.
God of the teeming crowd,
set me free from preoccupation with self.
God of the life-giving sun,
set me free from what undermines or destroys health.
God of the sand on the seashore,
set me free from anything that denies my common humanity with others.
God of the scudding clouds,
set me free from limited vision that ties my thoughts to earth.
God of the growing grass,
set me free from all that hinders me from maturing in faith and wisdom.
God of the earth,
the sun,
the stars,
the universe,
set me free from all that stops me knowing you,
serving you,
loving you,
and from living the life you would have me lead.