Quiz time

From my book Who Knows?, here’s a little quiz titled ‘Money, money, money’. I don’t think you’ll find it too difficult, but as the title says: ‘Who knows?’

Money, money, money

  1. Judas betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of what?
    a. Gold
    b. Silver
    c. Brass
  2. What, according to Jesus, were sold for two pennies?
    a. Five loaves of bread
    b. Five apples
    c. Five sparrows
  3. What coins did the unmerciful servant owe ten thousand of?
    a. Talents
    b. Dollars
    c. Yen
  4. What sort of coins did the poor woman put into the temple treasury?
    a. Gold
    b. Copper
    c. Bronze
  5. What did Jesus tell the rich ruler to do with his money?
    a. Throw it away
    b. Give it to the poor
    c. Give it to support the work of the temple
  6. Who did Jesus speak of paying taxes to?
    a. Herod
    b. Caesar
    c. God
  7. What coin did Jesus tell a parable about?
    a. A gold coin
    b. A large coin
    c. A lost coin
    See page 134
    for answers
    Junior Bible Quiz Book 21/11/07 3:20 pm Page 75
  8. Whose tables did Jesus overturn in the temple precincts?
    a. The money changers
    b. The money forgers
    c. The moneymakers
  9. How much did Zacchaeus promise to pay back those he’d cheated?
    a. Twice as much
    b. Three times as much
    c. Four times as much
  10. What coins did the Good Samaritan give to the innkeeper to take care
    of the injured man in the parable?
    a. Denarii
    b. Shekels
    c. Rupees
    Junior Bible Quiz Book 21/11/07 3:20 pm Page 76
    48 : Which one? (5)