A prayer for Trinity Sunday

From my forthcoming book Still, Still with Thee – a book of all new prayers for every day of the year plus various special days in the Christian calendar – a prayer for Trinity Sunday.

‘The Holy Spirit, said Jesus, ‘whom the Father will send as an advocate in my name, will teach you everything, bringing to mind what I have said to you.’
John 14:26

Lord of all,
you have made yourself known to me through the Father,
welcoming me as your child,
nurturing me as a mother nurtures her offspring,
always seeking to guide, to bless,
to hold, to help,
to provide, to prosper.
In reverent awe I acclaim you, the triune God,
three in one and one in three: blessed Trinity.
Lord of all,
you have made yourself known to me through your Son,
the Word made flesh,
God with us,
sharing our humanity,
knowing our sorrows,
tasting our pain,
enduring our death.
In reverent awe I acclaim you, the triune God,
three in one and one in three: blessed Trinity.
Lord of all,
you have made yourself known to me through your Spirit,
guiding, prompting,
teaching, instructing,
empowering, enabling,
renewing, transforming.
In reverent awe I acclaim you, the triune God,
three in one and one in three: blessed Trinity.
Lord of all,
your nature remains a mystery to me,
how you can be three persons yet a single entity defying comprehension.
Yet what my mind cannot fathom, my being cannot deny,
for I experience you each day, each moment,
unmistakably as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
In reverent awe I acclaim you, the triune God,
three in one and one in three: blessed Trinity.