Here’s another new coronavirus prayer, to help support and encourage you in these challenging times.
Help us, Lord, in these challenging days,
to hold on to your continuing promises.
Remind us that you are our shelter and strength,
an ever-present help in days of trouble;
that you are our rock,
our stronghold,
our deliverer:
a shield behind which we can take refuge;
that those who wait upon you will be renewed in strength,
soaring up on wings like eagle’s;
that by your power at work within us
you are able to achieve incalculably more than anything we can ask
or even dream of;
that our times are in your hands;
that though heaven and earth pass away,
your word will continue,
and to the end of time;
that no eye has seen,
nor ear heard,
nor any heart conceived of the things you’ve prepared for those who love you;
that neither death nor life,
nor angels nor demons,
nor the present nor the future, nor any powers,
nor height nor depth nor anything else in all creation,
will ever be able to separate us from your great and unending love.
Speak those promises to us afresh,
and help us to listen,
to hear your voice,
and to trust.