From my book Intercessions for a Hurting World, a prayer for those who experience deprivation in all its various forms – physical, emotional and spiritual.
Lord of all,
hear our prayer for the deprived of our world,
whether in body, mind or spirit.
We think of those who are deprived materially –
people of the so-called Third World –
so many of them living with the daily reality of hunger,
denied the basics we take for granted;
disease, hardship and poverty a simple fact of life.
For all in such need,
give hope and help.
We think of those in our own country living at or below
the poverty line;
of those who sleep rough on the streets;
of those who cannot find work and shelter;
of all who feel they are denied a stake in society
and a future to look forward to.
For all in such need,
give hope and help.
We think of those denied a voice,
denied freedom,
denied justice,
denied opportunity.
For all in such need,
give hope and help.
We think of those deprived emotionally –
those who lack love,
lack purpose,
lack hope,
lack joy –
people who may seem to have everything
yet who in fact have nothing.
For all in such need,
give hope and help.
We think of those deprived spiritually –
those who are no longer moved by the wonder
of the universe;
who no longer catch their breath at sights and sounds
in awe and wonder;
who no longer have faith in anything beyond themselves.
For all in such need,
give hope and help.