A light that keeps on shining

From my forthcoming book God of Here, There and Everywhere: Prayers Inspired by the Celtic Spiritual Tradition, a prayer of trust in a light that keeps on shining, even on the darkest of days.

Though the day grows dark, Lord,
may your light continue to shine.
Though my fears are overwhelming,
may your peace be more powerful still.
Though my days on occasions feel lonely,
may your presence continue to sustain me.
Though time hangs heavy,
may I appreciate each moment you give me.
Though I feel weak and vulnerable,
may your strength be sufficient for my needs.
Though I am anxious about loved ones,
may your love bring reassurance.
Though I grieve those I have lost,
may your eternal promises bring comfort.
Though the future feels bleak,
may trust in you bring hope.
Though all things seem to conspire against me,
may you turn even the bad to good.
Though all else fail, Lord,
assure me that you will not.