The worth of all, you included

Do you think too much of yourself? Or perhaps too little. The reality, I suspect, for most of us is that we lurch back and forth between the two. Sometimes we can be too full our importance for our own good and more preoccupied with ourselves than is healthy. Equally, most of us are more insecure than we let on, frequently doing ourselves down, unsure of ourselves in company, doubting our abilities, our potential, even our value. Here’s a reflection I’ve written recently for my new book Now That’s a Thought, hopefully coming out late next year. It reminds us that everyone is precious, unique, with a right to be here . . . you and me as much as anyone.


Hold your head high on your journey through life

When you are content to be simply yourself and not to compare or compete, everybody will respect you. Lao-tzu

The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself. Mark Twain

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. The Buddha

Hold your head high on your journey through life,
whoever you may be,
for you matter as much as anyone –
not more so,
but neither less.
Irrespective of creed or colour,
gender or social status,
you have something to contribute,
a voice that deserves to be heard,
as much right to walk tall as even the most exalted.
For, from the least to the greatest,
we are all just flesh and blood,
merely human,
with the strengths and weaknesses that entails:
the possibilities for good or ill,
right or wrong,
wisdom or foolishness,
success or failure.
Each of us is unique,
deserving of respect unless we prove it otherwise –
none intrinsically of more value than others,
just as none equally are less.
So do not stand in awe of others,
thinking more highly of them than you should,
but do not look down on them either,
underestimating their importance and potential.
Know simply this:
that you have a right to be here,
without apology or embarrassment.
So step out confidently, yet humbly,
assuredly, yet without pretension –
certain of your own worth,
and that of all.