A prayer for Ascension Day

Here’s a prayer for Ascension Day taken from my forthcoming book Still, Still with Thee – a book of prayers for every day of the year. It reminds us that whatever we may have grasped of the wonder of Christ, there is far more yet for us to discover and learn.



God has highly exalted him, giving him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every being in heaven, on earth and under the earth should kneel, and every tongue should acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Philippians 2:9-11


Lord Jesus Christ,
I like to think I’ve grasped the wonder of who you are
and all you have done,
but the reality is so very different,
my understanding being partial,
my vision stunted,
my horizons small.
I settle for a limited picture,
a mere fraction of the whole truth.
But I’m reminded today of the need to think bigger;
to see you in a greater light,
on a broader canvas –
as one with the Father,
enthroned at his right hand,
bathed in splendour.
So I offer you now my praise,
as the one God has exalted,
the one whose name is above every name,
the one before whom every being in heaven and earth should kneel,
and every tongue acknowledge you as Lord.
You not only lived but live!
You not only loved but continue to love!
You not only defeated death but offer life to all!
You not only ascended on high but have opened the way to the kingdom of heaven.
To you, Lord Jesus, be honour and glory,
homage and reverence,
acclaim and service,
thanksgiving and worship,
this day and for evermore.