Seeking guidance

In what ways does God guide us and in what ways do we respond? Those are questions I’ve often reflected on and still struggle to answer, for guidance is rarely as clear as we like. Too easily we confuse our own wishes with God’s. Yet there are times when we feel God is clearly challenging or prompting us, even though we may not like what we believe is being asked. What do we do then? Are we willing to respond and, if necessary, to change course, or do we, like Jonah, try to run away from what we’d rather not face? The following thoughts, taken from my book Daily Prayer 2, ask us to consider the issues more carefully.


The word of the Lord came to Jonah, son of Amittai, saying, ‘Go straight away to Nineveh, that mighty city, and speak out against it; for their wickedness is an affront to my eyes.’ But Jonah set off instead to Tarshish, wanting to escape from the presence of the Lord. Jonah 1:1-3

A celebrated fixture of my school’s sports day, many years back, was the staff versus students tug-of-war, the grand climax to the proceedings. The burliest sixth-formers would line up against the staff heavyweights, and battle would commence, accompanied by many a raucous cheer. For the teachers there was probably something symbolic in those encounters, the experience of pupils pulling in the opposite direction being all too familiar and hence matched by a commensurate delight in exacting revenge!

For most of us, as with the prophet Jonah, a tug of war could fairly be said to describe our relationship with God. Instead of accepting his guidance we resist his will. Instead of responding to his call we strain vigorously in the opposite direction. Instead of drawing close we pull away. Despite our best intentions we work against rather than with him, refusing to concede control of our lives. So how does God react? Does he drag us kicking and screaming into submission? Does he demand retribution for the trouble we cause him? Or does he simply let go and wash his hands of us? Neither. Instead, he patiently and gently keeps hold, not out of anger or frustration but out of love. And if we will only respond, then he will draw us close, overcoming everything that keeps us apart.

Ask yourself
Are you fighting against God, attempting to evade his call, or do you ignore his prompting? What are you reluctant to accept? Why?

Forgive me, Lord, for though I talk of commitment my faith is weak, and though I profess to follow you I repeatedly walk away. Time and again, I resist your will, ignoring your guidance and seeking to go my own way. However obstinately I pull against you, draw me back. However much I try to wriggle free, keep hold. Teach me to love you as fully as you love me, so that instead of a tug-of-war there may be partnership; instead of resistance, a rapport in which I strive to serve you better and work for your glory. Amen.

When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all people towards me. John 12:32

Teach me, Lord, that however much I resist you, your love continues, refusing to let me go. Help me to work with rather than against you, today and every day. Amen.