Which way will you take?

If Lent asks one question of us, it is simply this: which way will you take? It was a decision Jesus faced at the start of his ministry as he wrestled with temptation in the wilderness. Would he take the way of earthly acclaim or that of God? The road to worldly riches or the path of sacrifice. As the following reflective prayer, taken from my book Touching the Seasons, explores, we too must decide: are we ready to walk the way of Christ, despite what it may cost us?

The one-way street

I wanted to turn around and take another route
but I couldn’t,
the one-way system forcing me to carry on,
whether I liked it or not,
until I reached the end.

I remember, Lord,
how Jesus had to choose in the wilderness
between the way of self or others –
and how he chose the latter,
knowing it would mean suffering and sacrifice,
the agony of death on a cross,
and knowing too that once he started out
there could be no turning back.
Help me to follow you with similar commitment,
ready to walk your way to my journey’s end.