For those struggling in the wilderness of life

The classic image of Lent is of Jesus wrestling with temptation in the wilderness. Our own wilderness experience may likewise be one of temptation, or it may be more a general time of challenge and testing. This prayer, taken from my book Prayers for All Seasons 1, seeks God’s help and strength for those struggling in the wilderness of life.

Lent intercession

Lord Jesus Christ,
we are reminded today, in this season of Lent,
of the time you spent in the wilderness –
facing choices,
wrestling with temptation,
experiencing a period of testing
that would shape the course of your ministry;
a time which reminds us of your humanity,
which tells us you were one with us,
tempted just as we are.
In the wilderness of life today
be present, O Lord.

Lord Jesus Christ,
we thank you that you came through that time the stronger –
more sure of the path you must take,
and more confident of your ability to take it.
So now we pray for those experiencing similar times of testing.
In the wilderness of life today
be present, O Lord.

We pray for those facing difficult and demanding choices –
choices that entail pain and self-sacrifice,
that mean letting go of cherished dreams,
that involve facing awkward facts about themselves and others.
In the wilderness of life today
be present, O Lord.

We pray for those wrestling with temptation –
torn between conflicting desires,
unsure of where they stand,
uncertain about their ability to stand firm.
In the wilderness of life today
be present, O Lord.

We pray for those experiencing a period of testing in their lives –
problems they fear they cannot cope with,
challenges they feel unable to rise to,
questions they would rather not face.
In the wilderness of life today
be present, O Lord.

Lord Jesus Christ,
give strength to all facing such times –
a sureness of purpose and clearness of mind.
Give the knowledge of your will –
then courage to make right decisions
and resolve to see them through.
May each emerge the stronger for all they experience,
and better equipped to face the future.
In the wilderness of life today,
be present, O Lord,