The wider fellowship of which we are a part

I was very moved yesterday when a visitor to my website contacted me to share a video recording of the my hymn, ‘Lord, there are times’, so beautifully set to music by Geoffrey Nobes. I’ve already posted a couple of versions of the hymn here on this site, but the recording Linda shared with me was rather different. Why? Because it was performed in the Netherlands and is sung entirely in Dutch. That’s what I found so moving about it: the fact that people are singing these words not just here in the UK, but in other countries too; indeed, Geoff tells me it has become a Salvation Army favourite in numerous parts of the world, What an inspiring reminder of the wider fellowship of which we are a part; bound together, for all our doubts and questions, by a shared faith and hope. Here, then, is a link to the video. You may not understand the words, but there will be no mistaking the sentiments.

And here are the words in English, if you want to try to follow them:

Lord, there are times when I need to ask, ‘What?’ –
times when your hand is not easy to spot.
What is life’s purpose and what of me here?
In my confusion, Lord, make your will clear.

Lord, there are times when I need to ask, ‘Why?’ –
times when appearances give faith the lie.
Innocents suffer and evil holds sway.
Grant me some answers, Lord, teach me your way.

Lord, there are times when the questions run fast –
times when I fear that my faith might not last.
Hear me, support me, and help me get through.
Lead me through darkness till light shines anew.

Nick Fawcett
(© Kevin Mayhew Ltd)