It’s hard, isn’t it, to focus on the message of Lent at this troubled time, but it’s good actually to focus on something other than coronavirus and to reflect on our relationship with God, difficult though it may be at first to motivate ourselves, The following reflective prayer – from my book Touching the Seasons – was inspired by my son owning up many years ago to some minor misdemeanour that clearly was playing on his mind, and it offers a reminder of how important and therapeutic acknowledging our faults in prayer can be, getting them off our chest and receiving the forgiveness God longs to bestow upon us.
The confession
I could see that he was worried,
troubled by something deep inside,
but I couldn’t work out what,
being forced instead to stand by helplessly
as he wrestled with his demons.
But then, finally, he plucked up courage
and blurted it out,
confessing to his little ‘crime’ –
small in my eyes
but huge in his.
There were tears then,
first of sorrow
but then relief,
as he realised it was dealt with,
and forgiven.
Teach me, Lord, to confess my sins to you
instead of struggling with guilt
or hiding away in fear;
to let go of the burden,
knowing that you seek to pardon
rather than condemn,
bless instead of punish.
Help me, then,
openly and honestly to acknowledge my faults,
so that I may find the freedom you alone can give.