When you’re struggling to pray during these dark days of the coronavirus pandemic (4)

Here’s another prayer that may help you to find words to articulate some of your thoughts and fears when you’re struggling to pray during these dark days of the coronavirus pandemic, and remind you that, however much it may feel like it, you are not alone.

So many are worried, Lord.
Calm their fears.

So many are hurting.
Tend their wounds.

So many are grieving.
Comfort them.

So many are lonely.
Assure them of your presence.

So many are vulnerable.
Protect them.

So many are struggling to make ends meet.
Provide for them.

So many are despairing.
Encourage them.

So many are sick.
Heal them.

So many are seeking to bring help to those infected.
Equip and enable them.

So many are looking to defeat this disease.
Guide them.

So many are in need, Lord,
and so many more soon will be.
Reach out to them,
in love,
and mercy,
and see them safely through.