When you’re struggling to pray during these dark days of the coronavirus pandemic (10)

Here’s another prayer that may help you to find words to articulate some of your thoughts and fears when you’re struggling to pray during these dark days of the coronavirus pandemic, and remind you that, however much it may feel like it, you are not alone.

Lord, to people everywhere at this troubled time
give a spirit of responsibility,
and community;
of concern for the greater good
and a willingness to put themselves out for the sake of others.

To those who fear
or who know they are carrying the virus,
give the common sense to isolate themselves,
for however long is required,
no matter how inconvenient or frustrating that may seem.

To those at risk,
feeling the symptoms taking hold of them,
and spiralling out of control,
give reassurance,
and the best possible care,
that they may return safe and well to their loved ones.

To those in intensive care,
on ventilators,
in evident distress,
not responding to their treatment,
give strength and succour,
and, should it come to it,
a peaceful end.

To those mourning loved ones,
life cruelly plucked away,
give comfort in their shock,
their numbness,
their despair,
and sustain them in their time of darkness.

To our hurting world, Lord,
in so much turmoil,
bring hope,
and health.