The history of the Christian Church, tragically, is littered with episodes of hatred and division that are rightly held up by many as reason to question the gospel that it proclaims. From the burning of so-called witches, or of Catholics and Protestants in Tudor England and medieval Europe, to the iniquitous persecution of ‘heretics’ by the Inquisition, to the massacre of the Huguenots in France, differences of doctrine have led to all manner of atrocities conducted ostensibly in the name of Christ. In my creed, there is no room for any such intransigence, let alone oppression. If we imagine we have the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, it is time to think again. God is bigger than any of us, and it behoves us always to show humility in recognising our horizons are necessarily limited and, where appropriate, giving way. That’s the message of the following words, taken from my book The Little Book of Lent Prayers.

Forgive me, Lord,
for too easily I assume that I am right
and others are wrong.
Open my mind to different points of view –
above all, to yours –
and, where necessary,
help me to give way.