New coronavirus prayer 17

Here’s another new coronavirus prayer, to help support and encourage you during the continuing crisis.

Hear our prayer, Lord,
for all those across the world engaged in the battle against coronavirus,
and especially those seeking to develop a vaccine against the disease –
some way not just of controlling it,
but of stopping it in its tracks,
halting it altogether,
and helping us all finally to escape from its choking hold
and return to a more normal way of life,
in which we can begin the long and difficult task of picking up the pieces
and starting to rebuild for the future.
To all researchers and scientists,
grant wisdom,
and diligence;
the ability to work swiftly yet safely,
efficiently and effectively,
in pursuit of the goal they seek.
Protect those who volunteer to participate in trials,
and grant that their willingness to put themselves forward
will yield dividends for us all.
And when, finally, effective vaccines are found,
inspire those who discover, develop and market them
to think beyond personal or corporate gain,
and to work willingly and closely together,
so that this scourge that so unexpectedly overwhelmed our world
may with equal speed be banished,
its spectre lifted from above the heads of us all.