This week’s promotional discount

This week’s promotional discount is on my 2005 book Heaven Touching Earth, one of a four-part series I wrote that features also Touching Down, Touched By His Hand and Touching the Seasons. Subtitled ‘Prayers for daily life’, the aim of each of the books is to locate faith firmly in daily life – to bring heaven, if you like, down to earth.

Normally priced at £7.99, this week, until 6 September, you can purchase Heaven Touching Earth at a 10 per cent discount, using the code HEAVEN10 when ordering the book from the Kevin Mayhew website. Just type the code into the relevant box at the checkout between the dates given.

Meanwhile, here’s the fourth of seven extracts I’ll be posting this week from the book, to run alongside this promotion:

The salary cheque

It didn’t seem much –
scant reward for another month of toil –
barely enough to cover the mortgage repayments
let alone feed the family,
pay the bills
and have a bit left over for a rainy day.
But what made it worse was knowing that others,
many others,
worked no harder yet earned far more,
able to enjoy luxuries I could only dream of,
to savour a lifestyle that would be always beyond my reach.

It doesn’t seem much –
poor reward indeed for another month of toil –
but for countless millions it’s a fortune,
enough and more than enough,
sufficient to meet their needs
and pay for luxuries undreamt of –
a square meal, fresh water,
education and medicine,
a roof over their heads.

Remind me, Lord, when I feel hard done by,
of all I have received,
the many reasons I have to be thankful.
Instead of envying those with more,
teach me to remember those with so much less
and gratefully to share from my plenty.