This week’s promotional discount

This week’s promotional discount is on my 2005 book Heaven Touching Earth, one of a four-part series I wrote that features also Touching Down, Touched By His Hand and Touching the Seasons. Subtitled ‘Prayers for daily life’, the aim of each of the books is to locate faith firmly in daily life – to bring heaven, if you like, down to earth.

Normally priced at £7.99, this week, until 6 September, you can purchase Heaven Touching Earth at a 10 per cent discount, using the code HEAVEN10 when ordering the book from the Kevin Mayhew website. Just type the code into the relevant box at the checkout between the dates given.

Meanwhile, here’s the sixth of seven extracts I’ll be posting this week from the book, to run alongside this promotion:

The flower show

I walked from stand to stand,
marvelling at the quality of the displays,
each plant pristine,
each flower perfect,
not simply grown,
but tended,
lovingly and painstakingly nurtured . . .
and the results were plain to all.

Forgive me, Lord,
for imagining that discipleship can take care of itself;
that I can sit back and expect faith to grow
with no effort on my part.
Teach me to work at my relationship with you,
patiently and with diligence,
so that you might bring the buds of commitment
into full bloom,
and my life to true fruition.