This week’s promotional discount

This week’s promotional discount is on my 2014 book Complete Collected Intercessions, a compilation of the numerous prayers of intercession I’d written for various books up to and including that year. Normally priced at £24.99, this week, until 13 September, you can purchase it at a 10 per cent discount – a saving of £2.50 – using the code INTERCESSIONS10 when ordering the book from the Kevin Mayhew website. Just type the code into the relevant box at the checkout between the dates given.

Meanwhile, here’s the fourth of seven extracts I’ll be posting this week from the book, to run alongside this promotion. It focuses on those troubled by or wrestling with doubts and questions.

Doubts and questions

Living God, there are times when you seem silent, when, listen though we might, we cannot hear your voice. So we pray now for those who cry for help but who feel their prayers are unanswered. Lord, in your mercy, hear us, and all who call to you. We think of those known to us facing difficult times – battling with illness, wrestling with depression, anxious about the future, grieving for loved ones – those for whom life seems a puzzle, even a burden, and who long to find hope, to make some sense out of their confusion. Lord, in your mercy, hear us, and all who call to you. We think of those who feel far from you – burdened by doubt, overwhelmed by temptation, crushed by failure – those who long to know you better but who find it hard to get close; who seek to serve you but who are weighed down by a sense of their weaknesses, their lack of faith and their repeated mistakes. Lord, in your mercy, hear us, and all who call to you. We think of those who seek guidance – who feel unsure of the way ahead, uncertain of their ability to face the future, unclear as to what you want from them – all who ask you to lead the way forward yet who have no clear sense of their particular calling. Lord, in your mercy, hear us, and all who call to you. We think of the poor and weak, the vulnerable and disadvantaged in society – those denied their rights, their dignity, their freedom, their livelihoods – all who long for a time when justice will be established but who have given up believing it will ever happen. Lord, in your mercy, hear us, and all who call to you. Living God, we are conscious that so many in our world cry to you yet seem to receive no answer – some because they do not expect to receive any, some because they are not ready or willing to listen, some because they do not understand what you are saying, but many genuinely and urgently longing to hear your voice, yearning for some response. Speak to them, we pray. Do not keep silent, but reach out into their pain and hurt, their need and hopelessness, and bring your word of comfort, of peace, of healing, love and renewal. Lord, in your mercy, hear us, and all who call to you. Amen.