Enfolded and encircled in love

Here’s another Celtic-style prayer that I wrote recently as part of the latest book that I’m currently working on. Taking the form of a blessing, it invites us to celebrate the truth that, each day, each moment, by God’s grace we are enfolded and encircled in love.

Let the sun shine brightly upon you

Let the sun shine brightly upon you,
and may the enlivening rays of God’s love nurture you within,
illuminating your mind,
animating your spirit,
warming you in the depths of your being.
Let the rain fall gently upon you,
and may the life-giving water of God’s grace sustain you within,
quenching your deepest thirst,
satisfying your deepest needs,
cleansing your deepest faults.
Let the breeze brush softly upon you,
and may the breath of God’s Spirit caress you within,
enfolding you in peace,
inspiring you with hope,
renewing you in vision.
Let the dew fall quietly upon you,
and may the dawn of God’s goodness refashion you within,
transforming your innermost self,
bringing healing and wholeness,
making of you a new creation.
May the God of heaven and earth,
great and small,
near and far,
life and death,
encircle, enfold and embrace you,
this and every day.