Totally devoted to you!

From my book Daily Prayer a session for Holy Week exploring the awesomeness of God’s love: a love that, much though you may struggle to believe or accept it, is totally devoted to you!

Then they came to Jerusalem. Mark 11:15 (NRSV)

Some years ago, there was a song in the charts from the hit musical Grease with the title ‘Hopelessly devoted to you’. It was a song about love – a love sufficiently strong to overcome hurt and rejection in order to establish a lasting relationship. There is a sense, though on a far deeper level, in which that title perfectly sums up the attitude of Jesus towards the whole of humankind, nowhere exhibited more clearly than in the week leading up to the cross.

We see it, believe it or not, in those five simple words of our reading. They look simple enough, don’t they? – but beneath the surface they bear eloquent testimony to the awesome love of Christ, for, humanly speaking, Jerusalem was the last place Jesus should have been heading for. The knives were out for him, his enemies determined finally to silence him, and Jesus knew it as well as anyone. Yet he carried on, setting his face towards Jerusalem, refusing to be deflected from his path. He went willingly to his death, despite all it cost him – despite the emotional, physical and spiritual trauma he endured, just like any other human being. Why? Quite simply, because he loves us, his devotion to us greater than any we might show to him. That song title could have been written about Jesus, except for one thing; his love wasn’t hopeless – anything but – it brought hope, joy and life to all. What we see in Christ is something more wonderful still: the one who is totally devoted to you!

Ask yourself
Have you begun to realise how much Jesus loves you? Have you made your response?

Lord Jesus Christ, I am reminded today that you didn’t just accept death for my sake but chose it; that you didn’t simply let things happen but planned them in advance, knowing the way you would take, down to that final agony on the cross. You staked all, you gave all, and you did it willingly for the sake of people like me. Such love is too wonderful to comprehend, but I thank you for it with all my heart, and offer you my joyful praise in glad response. Amen.

Live in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Ephesians 5:2 (NRSV)

Lord Jesus Christ, teach me to love as you love, and to offer you the devotion you deserve and that you so freely show to me. Amen.