From Monday 17 May to midnight on Sunday the 23rd, you can buy any of the books in my Little Book … series at a 10 per cent discount, using the code LITTLEBOOK10 on the Kevin Mayhew website. The series features the following, all of which make ideal gift books to share with family and friends: The Little Book of Cat Prayers, The Little Book of Dog Prayers, The Little Book of Bear Prayers, The Little Book of Bird Prayers, The Little Book of Wild Animal Prayers, The Little Book of Farm Animal Prayers, The Little Book of Rabbit Prayers, The Little Book of Mouse Prayers, The Little Book of Baby Prayers, The Little Book of Christmas Prayers, The Little Book of Lent Prayers, and The Little Book of Easter Prayers. With these books normally retailing at £5.99, that’s a saving of 60p. Just type the code into the relevant box at the online checkout between the dates given.
Note that many of the prayers in the books featuring animals are reproduced in The Animal Lover’s Daily Prayer Book, available from Kevin Mayhew Ltd at £9.99.
To give you a flavour of these books, here’s one of the prayers taken from it:

Too easily I’m deceived, Lord,
taken in by appearances.
Forgive me, and help me to understand
that not everything is as it seems.