From my book Daily Prayer 2a session exploring what we can do as Christians in terms of freshening up our faith and preventing staleness from creeping in.
Those who honour God will thrive and flourish – like a palm tree or cedar of Lebanon. Because they are planted in the Lord’s house they will bloom in his courts, continuing to bear fruit into old age and remaining fresh and green. Psalm 92:12-14
During my years spent in pastoral visiting I was frequently offered some kind of refreshment. Sometimes that was hugely welcome, but not always, for frequently the cake or biscuits offered were so stale as to be inedible. They looked all right, but the first mouthful swiftly proved otherwise, to the point that I became a dab hand at surreptitiously concealing various foodstuffs in my pockets and discreetly disposing of them on my way home afterwards. A mouldering layer of crumbs about my person seemed to be one of the occupational hazards of ministry!
We can’t keep anything fresh indefinitely, and that includes our faith; like so much else in life, it runs the danger of growing stale with the passage of time. But just as we can use a fridge, freezer or biscuit tin to preserve the life of food, so we can take steps in terms of our commitment. We can start by reading the Bible regularly, not just passages we’re familiar with but those we’ve passed by, for each is able to open up new horizons. We can spend more time in prayer, not simply following the same old format but exploring the rich heritage of past and present, allowing the language and ideas of others to breathe new life into a familiar practice. We can share with other Christians and on occasions visit churches of different traditions, as these too are able to offer a fresh perspective on truths we’ve come to know so well. Above all, of course, we can simply make quality time for God in which to consider again what he means for us today. Fail to do that, and though our faith may still look the part to others, we may well find it’s gone horribly stale just when its freshness is most needed.
Ask yourself
Is your faith as fresh as it could and should be? If not, why do you think that is? What are you doing to put things right?
Living God, my faith is not what it could or should be. Instead of renewing it each day, I allow it grow stale, no longer fit for purpose. Instead of refreshing it through time spent with you and putting it into practice, I put it to one side, often forgetting it altogether, so that it moulders slowly away. Forgive me, and revitalise my commitment. Breathe new life into my spirit and fresh enthusiasm into my heart, so that love for you may be born anew in me each day. Come now and restore what is lacking, through Jesus Christ my Lord. Amen.
You have anointed me with fresh oil. Psalm 92:10b
Keep my faith, Lord, as fresh as the day it first began. Though I grow old, may my commitment to you be ever new. Amen.