From my book More Selected Prayers for Public Worship, a celebration of the dependable promises of God.
Thank you, Lord, that in a world where promises are two a penny,
made today and broken tomorrow,
where so little can be relied on to deliver what it purports to offer,
we can put our trust in your promises
and be confident they will be honoured.
Through the prophets you foretold the coming of the Messiah,
a Saviour and Redeemer,
and in Christ you fulfilled that pledge,
your Word being made flesh among us.
He told his followers that though he would die he would rise again,
and they met him,
just as he had said:
You promise us in turn your guidance,
and peace;
above all, life now and for evermore.
Teach us to put our trust in you,
confident that though all else may fail,
you will not.