When you’re struggling to pray during these dark days of the coronavirus pandemic (21)

Here’s another prayer – featured now in my free e-book For Such a Time as This – that may help you to find words to articulate some of your thoughts and fears when you’re struggling to pray during these dark days of the coronavirus pandemic, reminding you that, however much it may feel like it, you are not alone.

Thank you, Lord, for those working in the front line during this crisis

Thank you, Lord, for those working in the front line during this crisis,
confronting the challenge of coronavirus head on.
Thank you for hospital staff –
support workers
and so many others behind the scenes –
sometimes at real personal risk to themselves.
Thank you for GPs,
district nurses,
helpline staff,
and those working in the community,
offering guidance and support to those in special need.
Thank you for these people:
for their dedication,
and giving of themselves above and beyond the call of duty.
Support them in all the pressures they face,
and help them to cope with the extra workload,
the limited resources,
the emotional and physical demands made upon them,
so that, through their work and skills,
you may show your love
and bring your healing.