For the elderly and infirm

Happily, many people today are able to enjoy good health well into advancing years, but for others it’s a different story, old age bringing with it physical and mental decline. This prayer, again from the book I’m currently working on, is for them, and for their loved ones and carers.

This ephemeral body will be clothed with an eternal body,
this mortal body put on immortality
1 Corinthians 15:54

God of all,
reach out to the elderly and infirm,
to those whose faculties are failing,
and especially to those facing the onset of dementia,
with all the challenges, problems and heartache that brings.
Give them strength.
Give them help.
Give them encouragement.
Give them comfort.
Give them guidance.
Give them patience.
Give them reassurance.
Give them support.
Give them confidence.
Give them perseverance.
Give them hope.
Give them love.
Give them peace.
Give them faith that though mind and body may decline,
your love will not;
that though this life may end,
your purpose for them,
and for all,
this day
and for evermore.