New coronavirus prayer 31

Here’s another new coronavirus prayer, to help support and encourage you in these challenging times.

Life isn’t perfect at the moment, Lord –
I can’t pretend that.
I’m restricted as to where I can go,
who I can see,
what I can do,
and so much that I previously enjoyed and celebrated is denied to me.
But I can still hear the birds sing,
bees buzz,
breeze rustle through the trees.
I can still see the flowers bloom,
sun sparkle,
clouds scud across the sky.
I can still listen to music,
watch television,
read books;
I can still talk to friends and family online,
I can still access a world of information over the internet,
play games there,
discover a breathtaking host of resources.
I still have food,
my essential needs, and far more, daily met.
And I know also that,
should I ever succumb to coronavirus,
there are dedicated NHS staff who will do everything in their power to see me through it.
Yes, life may not be perfect,
but it could be so very much worse.
I still have so many reasons to be thankful.
Remind me of that each morning, Lord,
each day,
each moment,
and help me never to forget it.