All special in the eyes of God

Sometimes we can value ourselves too highly, having an inflated opinion of our own importance. More commonly, though, in my experience, we undervalue ourselves, forgetting that we are all special in the eyes of God, all loved by him. all having the same right to be here and to hold our head high. Here, then, is an intercession on this theme from my book Prayers for All Seasons 2.

For those who do not understand their true worth

Gracious God,
we thank you that you value each one of us,
that we are all important in your eyes.
We thank you that everyone matters to you,
none more than others and none less.
Hear now our prayers
for those who have lost that sense of perspective.
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

We pray for those who fall into the error of pride,
thinking of themselves more highly than they should,
looking down on others,
trusting in themselves rather than in you.
Help them to recognise their weaknesses as well as their strengths,
their need to receive as well as to give.
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

We pray for those who have no sense of worth,
who feel they are unimportant, unvalued, or unloved –
victims of broken homes and broken relationships,
the powerless and the poor,
homeless and refugees,
shy and depressed,
lonely and rejected.
Grant them the assurance that, whatever their circumstances,
they are precious to you,
each one your unique creation.
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Gracious God,
give to all a proper sense of their own value,
a true appreciation of the worth of others,
and, above all, an understanding of your greatness,
beside which we are nothing
yet through which you count us as your children.
Lord, in your mercy,
hear our prayer.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord.