The pain of loss

I’ve just finished editing a book on the subject of losing a loved one. Sadly, that comes to nearly all of us at some point in our lives, the devastation of bereavement being something that we can only fully understand once we’ve been through it. The following poetic prayer, from my little book Living with Loss, also available in amplified form as a CD and reprinted in Poems to Help You Pray, asks for God’s help and comfort at such a time.

The Pain of Loss

Glory to God, the Father not only of Jesus Christ our Lord but also of all mercies – a God full of consolation, who offers us solace in whatever troubles we are facing. 2 Corinthians 1:3-4a

I thought that I was ready,
prepared to say goodbye,
aware death waits for no one;
that each of us must die.
I knew loss would be painful,
whatever time it came;
that life from that point onwards
would never be the same,
but even though I feared it,
deep down I dared to hope
that when bereavement hit me
I’d confidently cope.

How different, Lord, the truth
now I’m facing it for real,
how deep the sense of heartbreak
and hopelessness I feel,
how bittersweet the memories,
how bleak the future seems,
how futile all my hoping
and fragile all my dreams.
A world, which seemed so stable,
now whirls in disarray,
for part of me is missing,
for ever plucked away.

Lord, meet me in my sorrow
and grant the help I crave,
remind me of your promise
of life beyond the grave.
Speak of your loving purpose
and help me as I grieve,
to hear your words of comfort
and truly to believe.