Advent intercession

From my book Prayers for All Seasons (Book 2), an Advent prayer of intercession, remembering before God all those for whom life seems dark rather than light.

Loving God,
we thank you for the hope you have given us in Christ,
the meaning and purpose,
joy and fulfilment you bring us through him.
Hear now our prayer for those who find it hard to hope,
those for whom life is hard.
Reach out to them in their need,
and may the light of Christ break into their darkness.

We think of those we label as the Third World –
the hungry and undernourished,
homeless and refugees,
sick and suffering –
human beings just as we are,
deprived of their dignity in the desperate struggle for survival.
Reach out to them in their need,
and may the light of Christ break into their darkness.

We think of those who are caught up in war –
overwhelmed by fear and hatred,
their homes and livelihoods destroyed,
each day lived under the threat of violence.
Reach out to them in their need,
and may the light of Christ break into their darkness.

We pray for those who feel overwhelmed by life –
weary –
many dreading what the next day might bring.
Reach out to them in their need,
and may the light of Christ break into their darkness.

Loving God,
may the message of hope which Advent brings
burst afresh into our world,
bringing help, hope and healing.
And may we, as those who profess the name of Christ,
play our part in showing his love,
displaying his care,
and fulfilling his purpose,
so that he might come again this Christmas
to all who have lost hope.
Reach out to them in their need,
and may the light of Christ break into their darkness.

For his name’s sake.