Unity and Division

As we come to the end of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, here’s a session from my bestselling book Daily Prayer exploring the theme of unity and division not just at the level of the Church but at that of our human relationships in general.

Living in peace

How good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity! It is as fragrant as oil poured over the head and running down upon the beard, running down the beard of Aaron and over the collar of his robes. It is like the dew of Hermon falling on the mountains of Zion. There the Lord grants his blessing, life for all eternity. Psalm 133

There are few things more sad, yet more common, than a family divided amongst itself. Yet it’s something we see over and over again: husbands who no longer speak to wives; children who have fallen out with their parents; brothers, sisters, cousins, nephews, aunts and uncles, each disowning the other and refusing to have any further dealings with them. As if that isn’t sad enough, invariably the cause of such bad feeling is something trivial, blown up out of all proportion over the years because of an unwillingness to meet and resolve the issue. Unchecked, the poison festers, feeding on itself and destroying the lives of all concerned.

Whether it was a dispute such as this that inspired Psalm 133, or whether it was something more complex, I do not know. The reminder this simple psalm gives of the importance of living together in harmony is, however, one we would all do well to consider, whether at the level of our immediate family or the family of the Church. The relationships we are intended to enjoy in both are special; we simply cannot afford to waste them.

Ask yourself
Are you estranged from someone as the result of a dispute or disagreement? What’s stopping you from mending the quarrel? Isn’t it time you made your peace?

Lord, it’s easy to start a quarrel, so much harder to end it. It’s easy to see faults in others, far more difficult to see them in myself. It’s easy to destroy relationships, almost impossible to build them again once they have been broken. Forgive me the weaknesses that so often create divisions, that separate me not simply from my fellow human beings but sometimes even from my own family and friends. Help me, so far as it lies with me, to live in harmony with all, and when that harmony is broken teach me to act as peacemaker, healing hurts, restoring trust and breaking down barriers. In the name of Christ, who shall come to reconcile all things to himself. Amen.

If possible, and so far as it’s down to you, live peaceably with everyone. Romans 12:18

Lord of all, forgive me everything that separates me from those around me – my pride, fear, envy and suspicion; my unwillingness to accept new ideas and refusal ever to countenance I could be wrong. Forgive me my share in the brokenness of this world, my contribution to its wounds, scars and continuing pain. Open my heart to others through being open to you, and so may I pursue all that makes for peace until that day when you come in Christ to establish your kingdom and make all things new. In his name I pray. Amen.