The eternal promises of God

Few people have taken more of a hit to their reputation over recent years than politicians. The Brexit saga left a bitter taste in the mouth of many, trust in our elected representatives reaching at an unprecedented low. Whether things will improve, now that the UK has finally left the EU, and whether that will prove to be a good or bad decision, time alone will tell. Not that levels of trust in politicians have ever been high; we’ve always tended to take what they say with more than a pinch of salt. The following reflective prayer, taken from my book Touched By His Hand (see here for other books of reflective prayers), contrasts the pledges habitually made by those seeking our vote, with the eternal promises of God.

The politician

They were fine policies, I’ll give him that,
and possibly,
behind the electioneering, rhetoric and spin,
he meant what he said.
But I’d seen it all before,
too many times to number –
what’s pledged now reneged on later,
an excuse always found for failing to deliver,
for diluting those solemn vows.

Teach me, Lord, that you are different,
your word constant,
your promise sure,
your faithfulness certain.
Though all else may disappoint,
remind me that you will not.