A prayer for Pentecost

A prayer for Pentecost

From my forthcoming book Still, Still with Thee – a book of all new prayers for every day of the year plus various special days in the Christian calendar – a prayer for Pentecost.


Suddenly, a sound like a mighty rushing wind came from heaven, filling the house where they sat. Then tongues of fire appeared that divided, so that a tongue rested on each of them. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit.
Acts 2:2-4

Spirit of God, come as tongues of fire,
to warm my heart,
to fan the flames of discipleship,
to keep faith burning bright within me,
but also to refine my life,
eliminating the dross that so swiftly accumulates,
the waste from that which is precious.
Spirit of God, come as the mighty wind,
animating my service,
breathing new life within me,
reviving trust and devotion,
dispersing the cobwebs that litter my soul,
sweeping away whatever obscures or obstructs your will
and bringing change wherever it is needed.
Spirit of God, come as the dove,
quietening my soul within me,
calming any anxieties,
filling me with your peace beyond understanding
and equipping me to be a peacemaker in turn.
Spirit of God, come as the comforter,
bringing solace in times of sorrow,
hope in times of despair,
support in times of trouble,
faith in times of doubt.
Spirit of God, come as the one who makes new,
nurturing your gifts within me,
your fruits within me,
your blessings within me,
your power within me.
Holy Spirit, I open my heart once more to receive you.
Come, and enter in afresh.