For all those overwhelmed by recent floods

All of us in the UK will be heartily sick of the wind and rain that seems to have been our lot for the whole of this winter, culminating in the recent Storm Ciara and Dennis. For some, though, these have been more than a nuisance; they have been devastating, turning their lives upside down and leaving them close to despair. Here’s a new prayer I’ve written, asking God’s help for all those overwhelmed by recent floods and those seeking to offer them help and hope. Lord God, hear our prayer today for all those who have been overwhelmed by floods, some for the second or third time in recent weeks or years, others experiencing the trauma for the first time. Reach out to guide and to help. Hear our prayer for those whose homes have been inundated by water, carpets, furniture, appliances and possessions damaged beyond repair; those still trapped in their homes, living in upstairs rooms without electricity of other forms of power; those seeking to clean out mud and debris, and to assess what needs to be done; those fearful that rivers will continue to rise, overwhelming their properties; those who are uninsured, facing financial ruin; those whose dream homes have become a living nightmare, and who wonder what the future holds for them. Reach out to guide and to help. Be with all who are trying to restore some semblance of normality to their lives, to clean up and start again, and to take whatever measures they can to prevent such catastrophe happening again. And grant help to all who are responding to their plight: emergency services and members of the military, rescuing those at risk, shoring up defences, doing whatever they can to ensure people’s safety. Reach out to guide and to help. Give wisdom to those in local and national government, making plans and decisions for the future concerning flood defences, seeking to use the budget available to maximum effect, so that, where possible, when storms strike again, as they surely will, homes, towns and communities will be protected from the worst. Reach out to guide and to help. Amen.