Those who care enough to show it

Where would be without those possessed of sufficient courage, conviction and compassion to strive to make a difference in our world? Most of us, myself included, are typically only too happy to leave getting one’s hands dirty to others: we rely on them to make a stand against evil, to care for those in need, to respond to the plight of life’s casualties. Their example presents a challenge to us all, and it’s one we need daily to give thanks for. That’s the theme of the following poetic prayer, taken from my little book Our Broken World (see here for details of similar publications): thanksgiving for those who care enough to show it.

Those Who Care Enough to Show It

Learn to do good, seek justice, encourage the oppressed, defend the cause of
the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17

For those who fight injustice
and make a stand for good,
who strive to give the poor a chance
to live life as they should,
for all who labour, heart and soul,
to make our world more fair,
I ask your courage, succour, strength –
Lord, answer, hear my prayer.

For those who show compassion,
who work to heal and mend,
who nurse the sick, support the weak,
encourage and befriend,
for all who reach out in your name
to offer love and care,
I ask your blessing, power, help –
Lord, answer, hear my prayer.

For those who tackle conflict,
where wounds run red and raw,
who strive to conquer hatred
and put a stop to war,
who work to foster dialogue
despite the scars we bear,
I ask your guidance, vision, faith –
Lord, answer, hear my prayer.

For those who try to witness
to Christ through word and deed,
to show his love embraces
each colour, culture, creed,
who point to light and life and hope
in which we all can share,
I ask your wisdom, grace and truth –
Lord, answer, hear my prayer.