Prayers for when you’re struggling to pray during these dark days of the coronavirus pandemic (3)

Here’s another prayer that may help you to find words to articulate some of your thoughts and fears when you’re struggling to pray during these dark days of the coronavirus pandemic, and remind you that, however much it may feel like it, you are not alone.

I’m not praying for me today, Lord,
but for others:
young people meant soon to be taking exams,
their future now in doubt;
carers for loved ones,
striving to keep safe those at risk;
multitudes suddenly finding themselves out of work,
worried about how to make ends meet,
financial pressures added to fears over health;
owners of small businesses,
cafes, shops, bars and restaurants among many others,
faced by the prospect of their livelihood collapsing in ruins,
what had seemed a wise investment now a millstone around their neck;
clergy, counsellors and chaplains,
seeking to give succour and support to those reeling from recent events;
GPs, nurses, doctors, consultants, NHS staff,
increasingly overwhelmed by massive pressures
yet with limited resources to meet them;
politicians and leaders in this country and beyond,
trying to work out the best way forward –
a way of safeguarding life as effectively as possible,
while also limiting potentially devastating economic consequences for us all.
Give help, Lord;
give strength;
In our hurting world,
bring hope and healing,
love and life.