Few of us can fail to be moved by the immensity of what Jesus suffered on the cross. Death by crucifixion was known to be one of the most agonising forms of execution practised at the time, its horrors used by the Romans as a way of deterring potential criminals and malcontents. Usually, the victim’s hands and feet were bound simply by ropes; to have them pierced also by nails hammered through them must have involved pain unimaginable. Yet, incredibly, it was spiritual rather the physical pain that probably caused Jesus the greatest torment: the anguish of feeling separated from God, and that of having his love thrown back into his face. It is not just those who reject the claim of the gospel who do that; as the following prayer from The Little Book of Easter Prayers reminds us: we, his followers, can do it too, the way we so often let him down contributing to his suffering.
To listen to this recording, click on the link after the prayer, but be warned, following extra steroid treament this week, I’m more hoarse than ever.

Forgive me, Lord,
for though nails pierced your hands and feet
and a spear your side,
I daily add to your pain:
my feeble response and faithless discipleship
piercing your very heart.