A prayer for Remembrance Sunday

Here’s a prayer for Remembrance Sunday, reminding us of the two faces of war: the heroism and courage displayed by so many, and still displayed today, but also the dreadful cost; the price paid by so many others.

God of all,
we reflect today on the catastrophe of war,
the causes of war,
the cruelty of war,
the courage of war
and the cost of war.
We will remember.
With horror we recall the awfulness of the Holocaust,
the dreadfulness of the Bosnian and Kurdish genocides
and countless other atrocities across the years.
We will remember.
With disgust we consider the greed, prejudice and hatred that have given rise to conflict,
recognising that we ourselves can be and have been part of such ills.
We will remember.
With revulsion we recall the evils of fascism,
and a host of other isms –
tyrannical regimes and philosophies that needed to be challenged and opposed.
We will remember.
With dismay we think of victims of war,
civilians, soldiers, communities, countries,
people and places whose lives have been torn apart by division,
many left broken in body, mind or spirit.
We will remember.
With pride and thanksgiving we bring to mind those who made the ultimate sacrifice,
giving their lives for the sake of others,
believing that they were furthering the cause of a true and lasting peace,
of building a better world for others.
We will remember.
Grant, Lord, in the name of Christ,
a time when the days of war may be over,
and people the world over may truly live as one,
for in his name we pray.