For those facing disaster

Here’s a poetic prayer I wrote for my recent book In a World of Tears and Sorrow. It’s an intercession for those facing disaster, which, at the moment, could fairly be said of just about any of us. COVID-19 has brought testing and heartbreak to many, and the threat it brings still hangs over too many lives. Use this prayer, then, to seek God’s help and strength for those far and near; those unknown to you and your most precious loved ones, for we all stand in need of his support in these demanding days.

To those who face disaster,
their world stood on its head;
communities in turmoil,
left burying their dead;
give comfort in their trouble,
support in their distress.
Though all for now seems hopeless,
bring solace nonetheless.

To those now deep in mourning
and those who fear the worst,
those traumatised and injured –
the many being nursed –
those searching in the chaos,
still daring to believe,
give strength and consolation –
their agony relieve.

To those confused and frightened,
uncertain where to turn;
those seeking news of loved ones,
their fate at last to learn;
Lord God, give reassurance,
the help they need to cope;
amid the devastation
give reason still to hope.