Count your blessings

Words from my book Seize the Day reminding us of how important it is, every day, every moment, to count your blessings.

If you’re feeling sorry for yourself today

We are all of us richer than we think we are.
Michel Eyquem De Montaigne

Count your blessings,
not your problems.


The secret of happiness is to count your blessings
while others are adding up their troubles.

William Penn

If you’re feeling sorry for yourself today,
pause and consider the reasons you have to be thankful –
the many good things in life you take for granted.
Your home,
the food on your table,
clothes in your wardrobe,
standard of living you enjoy;
the things in life that entertain, intrigue or enthral;
the freedom and opportunities you take as yours by right.
Though you may not have all of these,
you at least have some –
reasons, no matter what you’re going through,
to be grateful,
celebrating the good rather than dwelling on the bad.
And if that doesn’t change your mood,
consider those with so much less:
those for whom a tasteless morsel is a feast,
and a hovel a palace;
for whom war is a daily reality,
poverty a constant,
and injustice simply the way things are.
Yes, life may be hard,
circumstances difficult,
and yes, compared to some,
you may have good reason to bemoan your lot,
but you are still one of the lucky ones,
fortunate beyond measure,
compared to the multitudes for whom life is tougher than we can begin to contemplate.
Feel sorry for yourself if you want to,
dwell on your problems,
or you can recognise instead how blessed you are,
and be thankful.
The choice is up to you.