Another cryptic teaser

Here’s another cryptic teaser for you, taken from my book Ask Me Another, to test those grey cells of yours. Can you work out the answers to the following clues? Answers tomorrow.

  1. Certainly no spring chicken. (10 letters)
  2. Inspired a tall story, so to speak. (7 letters)
  3. Sounds like we’re a bit mean suggests this letter. (5 letters)
  4. Look for Jewish king amid other odious rulers. (5 letters)
  5. Woman has good wash before meeting Solomon’s queen. (9 letters)
  6. Whichever way you look at it, she gave up her pride and joy. (6 letters)
  7. Lie leaves priest in confusion. (3 letters)
  8. The answer’s found in a manicured English garden. (4 letters)
  9. May have lost his wife, but sounds like he’s still got plenty. (3 letters)
  10. Man makes a bit of a pig of himself on the ark, perhaps. (3 letters)
  11. George VI and Henry VIII combine to create a book. (1 number and 5 letters)
  12. Roman troop sent the swine mad. (6 letters)
  13. Hey! Is this a single chapter or song? (4 letters)
  14. Signature of illiterate evangelist? (4 letters)
  15. Lost letter from Mediterranean island reaches Persian king. (5 letters)