A memorable ancient prayer of intercession

Our prayer today, taken from my book A Calendar of Classic Prayer, is one of the most ancient you could hope to find, coming from St Clement of Rome, reckoned to be the fourth pope and, according to some, though this is probably mistaken, the Clement referred to in Philippians 4:3. Whoever he was, it seems likely that he knew the Apostle Peter first-hand, so we’re dealing here with one of the truly early Christians. When he was born is unknown, but he died around AD 102 – martyred according to some traditions, but dying a natural death according to others. His prayer here is a memorable prayer of intercession, committing all kinds of needs into the loving hands of God.

We beseech you, O Lord,
to grant us your help and protection.
Deliver the afflicted,
pity the lowly,
raise the fallen,
reveal yourself to the needy,
heal the sick,
and bring home your wandering people.
Feed the hungry,
ransom the captive,
support the weak,
comfort the faint-hearted.
Let all the nations of the earth know that you alone are God,
that Jesus Christ is your child
and that we are your people and the sheep of your pasture.
Do not keep count of the sins of your servants,
but purify us through the bath of your truth
and direct our steps.
Help us to walk in holiness of heart,
and to do what is good and pleasing in your eyes
and in the eyes of our rulers.
Master, let your face shine on us to grant us every good in peace,
protect us by your powerful hand,
deliver us from every evil by the might of your arm.
Grant us and all who dwell on this earth
peace and harmony, O Lord.