Eyes to see

I’m going into hospital this afternoon for an operation on my second cataract, brought on by my prolonged steroid treatment for myeloma and growing extremely quickly. I’d been increasingly concerned that the declining vision this was causing might affect my editing work, so I’m hugely grateful to the NHS – specifically, Musgrove Hospital in Taunton – for fitting me in to their crowded schedule. It will be so good to be able to see clearly again. That set me thinking of the words of Scripture – words that remind us that, however good our eyesight, we can never glimpse more than a fraction of God’s glory. That’s the theme of the following reflective prayer, like yesterday taken from my book Touched By His Hand.

The sunglasses

They shielded my eyes from the worst of the glare,
allowing me to gaze for a moment at the setting sun
and glimpse its glory,
a golden ball of light.
Without them I was dazzled,
the light too much to bear,
forcing me to look away.

Before you also, Lord, I must turn aside,
your splendour too intense,
your brightness too awesome,
and yet, through Christ, I glimpse your grace and glory,
wonderful beyond words.
For now it is partial,
as though I look through darkened glasses,
but it is enough and more than enough
to lighten my path
and illuminate my soul.
Shine now,
shine always,
through his radiant love.